Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Myrtle Beach

Andy and I headed to myrtle beach last Thursday for a work conference. Thursday night was 80s night and we went all out.

I got Matt this T-shirt but Andy needed to borrow it for the occasion. "Don't hate the player."

With Brett Strickland. President of the co. Dressed as creepy man magnum PI.

With our company underwriter Stephanie.

Friday morning we had meetings and then after lunch spent the day at the pool. After dinner we went to a celebrity impersonator show. I loved it! Veronica davis went all out on 80s decor for the entire conference. Pictured below with MJ. The air vent I was standing over was NOT cool. :)

The show consisted of all of the below and the blues brothers. It really was good if you ever go to myrtle beach!

Saturday morning was more meetings and then more pool/beach time. This year i actually got in the ocean so now I can officially say I've been in both the pacific and the atlantic oceans. Bucket list-check. And sat night was the awards ceremony. Andy and I with the Strickland family.

We made it home Sunday by lunch good and tired. For a work trip it's really a lot of fun!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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