Thursday, October 9, 2014

Elayne Grace Kitchingham

She finally arrived! 4 days past her due date but she made it! Jackie went into labor early on Monday. Like while at school the contractions started. By 5 they were intense and after a bath and loading the car she and brock headed to the hospital abt 6 pm. I'd decided I wasn't going to go - a lot of factors played in. I had o and no one to keep her, it was close out at work and I was gonna be out for two days so I had to get some stuff done. But by 8pm I'd changed my mind! I couldn't imagine not being there when she was born! My friends are the best. More than one of them offered to keep o so Jamie won bc she lives closest to me and our kids go to the same school so it was easiest on her to take an extra kid on short notice on a school night! Really, friends are so takes a village. That's so true! So I got o out of bed and packed her bag and dropped her off for her very first sleep over some place other than a family members house. I'll never be able to repay the hancocks for that one! I was on the road by 9 and met jenny and john in the parking lot. I kept telling myself I'll go home in an hour. And I kept procrastinating. By 2am I'd decided it was too late to go home I'd have to wait this one out. Me, mom, Joni and bud. It's been a LONG time since I pulled an all nighter! Matt was working so he came up a few times to wait with us. At 4 am they called the dr. She started pushing at 4:30 and at 5:45 am Elayne was born!!

I left the hospital at 6:50. Laid my head on my pillow at 7:30. Got up at 9:30 and was at work by 10:30. Then right after work headed back over there so o could meet her cousin. O's not very interested. At all. It will come. I'm not pushing it. I'm just so glad to finally be an aunt! I hope she loves me as much as o loves jackie!

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