about 9:15 this morning my husband emailed me asking what i was doing. i'm kind of a smart-ass so i replied that i was working. where else would i be during business hours answering my work email??? he then infomed me i needed to look at his email signature. well, i had already deleted his emails so i had no clue what he was referring to. he had to call me and tell me that he got word that his cpa application had been accepted and he was now a state licensed certified public accountant! we are both so happy that this chapter in our lives is finally over! all the studying and test taking finally paid off! to celebrate this i cooked dinner and served it on our china. this may not seem like a big deal to all of you. but, we've been married for 4 1/2 years and we've never used our china. rett keeps declaring that we don't need it and that i should SELL it. he really has no clue. i keep reminding him that one day we'll host a family holiday and use it then. until then, it stays in storage. well, to surprise him, i dug it out tonight and served dinner on it. i took pics to remember this night by. enjoy!
this is our office and all of the junk in front of the closet that houses our china. i had to get through this to get to the china... our office is normally not like this. we're in the process of cleaning out and reorganizing so things are kind of messy right now.

see the bottom silver box? you guessed it. that's the box with our china in it.

finally got to the china and here is a pic of it! now, i never could get to our crystal so we drank our of our everyday glasses. and, i have no idea how to take care of silver to we used our everyday forks. if you're wondering why we eat on an outside table there is a story behind it. this table belonged to my mom's parents. it was their "breakfast" table for as long as i can remember. jenny and i got it in college and the mom and mamaw repainted it and recovered the cushions. so, this is now the table that rett and i eat on. it fits our space well. when we need a "real" table we'll go buy one!

i got a gas grill for christmas b/c i knew i could use it! this was my time to prove it. here i am lighting the grill. (i've never claimed to be a good self-portrait taker.)

we didn't have much at the house to grill so i worked with what i had. good thing rett loves HOT DOGS! i on the other hand i HATE hot dogs. so, i had chili dogs (hot dog with chili - no weenie).
rett finally gets home and is so excited that we are finally using our china!

and then we finally ate! he told me it was the best hot dog he'd ever eaten, but i'm not sure i believe him. regardless, we ate and had a lovely dinner. now, i know my plate looks like A LOT of food. let me state for the record that i did not eat all of this. ended up throwing half of it away. it didn't really hit the "oh so good" spot on my taste buds.

and that was how we celebrated the good news!
no new olivia jane news. i've felt her kicking all day today so that's fun. according to my book olivia is now about 8 inches long and just over 1 pound. getting bigger!
sorry this post was so long. not sure if i'll ever post with this many pics again. it's taken me forever to get them all downloaded!