Literally!! Because Matt asked me to marry him last night!!
We've talked about getting married for close to a year now. Just kinda playing the waiting game. We traveled a lot this summer. Way more than I'm used to. And we came home from every trip without any new jewelry. I was starting to get mad. Just being honest. :) So he was coming over last night and we didn't have plans so I threw on my pj's as soon as I got home from work. He shows up and piddles around and says he has something for o. He breaks out a box with a ring in it. She was about half interested but I had lots of questions! My last question was why and then it hit me. My heart started beating. I got nervous and I jumped up. Not sure where I was going, Matt bee-lined it for the kitchen. He proceeds to get another small box off the counter and says he has one for me to. I think I asked if he was serious a couple of times. He assured me he was. So I shouted "well do you have something to ask me?!?" (Tact is never my strong suit!) he then popped the question!! I think I said yes. I'm not really sure. I then explained to o what had just happened. She is on cloud 9. She was dancing and smiling and planning the event!
My favorite quotes from o:
*When asked when we should get married - "ok. We'll do it next Saturday."
*"We can get flowers from the hardware store."
*When explaining that Matt will live with us - "ok. He can sleep in gg's bed and GG can sleep on the couch."
*After prayers last night - "mama, it's going to be weird having a boy live with us." She's right. It's been me and her for almost 4 years.
I am also on cloud 9. Obviously!! Matt is kind, gentle, patient, quiet. He is my opposite. He calms me. He ADORES Olivia and she him. He accepts my many flaws without hesitation. He has, from day one, accepted Olivia as his own. And I trust him. Completely. I could not ask for a better man.

And the fact that he included Olivia in this just makes my heart swell. He gets me. He gets "it".
In the words of the girl that introduced us. "Who'd have ever thought that you'd be the one to tame Matt Thurman!" It's crazy. All those many, many, many, many months ago I just needed a date to a wedding. He so graciously agreed. I just thought he felt sorry for me. We've been connected at the hip ever since and now plan to stay that way for the rest of our lives. God is good!
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