Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Twirling in my tutu

O has a new found love for ballerina skirts. That's what she calls them! We pretty much wear them everyday. This particular day it was close to bath time so sans clothes it was! She'll put it on and get to twirling!

They're blurry bc she won't be still!
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ag expo 2012

What a fun morning! During tax season I help Rett out when I can so he can put in the hours required to keep his job. So this morning I picked o up early and we headed to wm to the Ag expo. I've never attended this event but had heard that it was a fabulous way to wear ur kids out! :) We had a BLAST!! We held and petted chicks, petted a cow, saw several sheep, saw pigs and calfs. But her fav by far were the full size chickens!

She wouldn't stand next to this poor calf by herself and I didn't want to get too close so here's our official photo!

Then she got to drive a tractor!

After a quick lunch we got some ice cream and then headed back so she could nap at her daddy's.

Happy Saturday!
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

O and her GG and pops

I loves her gg and pops like its nobody's business. She went to spend the night with them last night after going to see a movie with gg. Mom keeps me updated in photos of their excursions.

Playing in one of her toy boxes down there.

Snack with Minnie.

While with gg and pops she pretty much has 100% freedom. Which may explain the 3 hour nap she took today while there. What's that about???? I can barely get her to sleep for an hour here at home! Oh well. Isn't this what grandparents are for?!?
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


OMG.  I am NOT 32 years old.  I’m only 31!  I just aged myself in my last post by 10 months.  What was I thinking???  I thought mommy brain went away after the kid was born.  apparently it just gets worse.  for the record…  I am only 31 years old!  Smile

Monday, January 16, 2012

Girls day and a little story

Yesterday we had a girls day and it was so much fun. We went to Sunday school and then headed to Monroe.

First stop was to pick up Jackie. She and Brock took forever to answer their door so o stood there screaming Jackie and Brock, I'm here! Come see me!! Finally they answered the door! Then on to lunch with Jackie and Courtney.

After shopping at target for a few necessities we went to see beauty and the beast in 3d. It cost me nearly $30 but was so worth it! At the end o clapped and "princess danced"all the way to the car!

We went to dinner with a friend at dawg house. The juke box was playing some Alice in chains and o entertained a large table of sigma nu's with her mad booty shakin' skillz. They got a good laugh out of her rocking out to that terrible music! She ended her fun filled day with playing in my boots.

Then this morning we had a little situation. I took the trash out before leaving for school/work and she locked me out. Yes. After about 5 min of trying to get her to unlock the door I had to climb through a window. While attempting to fit my 32 year old butt through a window a college kid drove by and asked if I needed help, o laughed at me and told me to get down and I knocked over this candle holder thing that o insisted on cleaning up. It really was funny. I've laughed about it all day. But it better never happen again! And today we reached a new milestone in the nebulizer dept...

She'll now do a treatment outside of my lap. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer her in my lap bc it's about the only snuggling she'll do. But in a time crunch this will have to work.
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Aunt Jackie is 30!

Jackie turned 30 on Thursday so we had the family bday dinner last night.

Then o took my phone and went to town taking pics. Enjoy the family bday dinner from the perspective of a 2 year old!

And yes, she took every one of those and about 10 more. But I'll spare u!
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kelly's Kids party!

Y'all. This years spring line is sooo cute! There are so many things I want to get for Olivia!! And the matching brother/ sister outfits.... Kinda wish O had a brother!! I'm hosting an eparty and this will be the easiest home show u ever attend! Just go to my reps website -
www.kellyskids.com/norapylant - and start shopping! When you check out please enter party number 1485 and then your clothes will be shipped directly to you.

It's online shopping at its finest! If you have any questions just let me know. The party will run through the 25th. And if you'd prefer to look at an actual catalog I have some of those too!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's back...

But thankfully not in full force! The cough appeared the week after Christmas. Finally tired of it, she went to the dr today. Broncholitis. This is caused by the rsv virus; just not as bad. Breathing treatments, steroid and cough meds. I'm so glad that even when she's sick she's happy and that we've reached the age that a cough med can be prescribed!!

The good news? We made it to the 2nd week of the new year before diagnosis! ;) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 9, 2012

cooking with a viking? sure!

for Christmas I gave my friend a lesson at the Viking cooking school in baton rouge.  so we went this weekend and it was so much fun!  the baton rouge location is outdoors (the only Viking school that is) on the pool deck of the Hilton and overlooks the river.  it was a FABULOUS January “spring” night!  seriously, like 65 degrees; no jacket required!  well, b/c I’m a girl and it never even occurred to me that a NFL playoff game could happen on  a Saturday night so we were both a little bummed that we would have to miss the saints game.  HAVE NO FEAR!  there were 4 flat screen tvs set up so we could watch while we cooked and ate!  win/win!  we were put into groups of 4 and given our menu and all ingredients and basically told to go to town.  the chef and sous chef walked around and assisted if we needed them but otherwise we were on our own!  I used a knife larger and sharper than I’d ever seen before!  and the Viking grill is amazing!  wish I had one that nice!  we made crab stuffed mushrooms, homemade blue cheese salad dressing, tall stuffed potato's, bacon wrapped filets, grilled asparagus and then the chef made the béarnaise sauce for the steak and the bananas foster.  we enjoyed the other couple we were with; they were young and fun to cook with!  and it all tasted SOOO good!  I was proud of our accomplishment!  we sat at one large table as a group to eat and enjoyed the conversations with everyone.  one man was a movie producer and his wife was a costume designer there in baton rouge.  (did you know that Hollywood has lost 70% of all movie productions to states like Louisiana???)  another couple had recently moved to BR from Atlanta and were still getting their feet wet to the Louisiana way of life.  the couple we cooked with had both just graduated from law school.  I do love listening to other people’s stories!  by the end of the night we were STUFFED and happy over the saints win.  it was definitely something I’ll do again!

viking 1viking 3

viking 4

having been born and raised in Louisiana I can’t ever remember going to the capital.  so we took a drive by there Sunday morning on our way to lunch.  I saw on the news last night that the governor's ball was last night (Sunday) and the inauguration is today so we potentially missed seeing several “famous" Louisianans by just hours!  Smile

viking 2

if you’re looking for a fun, unique gift to give someone this is it! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

New years 2012

We celebrated with my best friends at the Mabry house in Shreveport. It was a 3 hour long dinner that flew by too quickly!

On new years day we loaded up the baby bed and rocking chair and headed to Winnsboro. My house is officially cleared of baby items. So sad!! We stopped at 5 guys for lunch. Ever since eating at one in dc several years ago I've been craving it and wm finally has one! O entertained the entire restaurant with her booty shaking skills. We were laughing so hard. Just recently she has started dancing all the time and it's so funny! I didn't stop her or make her sit down. Sometimes a girl just needs to express herself. :)

I say it all the time but I really am so lucky. I wouldn't want to walk in anyone else's shoes right now, I am perfectly content where o and I are. Here's to another great year of health and happiness. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone