whew! it's been a semi-crazy week. but it's coming to an end and ending with a weekend spent laying out by my lonesome. i'm taking olivia to the farmer's market sat morning while her daddy does whatever it is that newly separated fathers do when they ask the mother to keep the child. i'm excited about that b/c i haven't been this year and have really been craving some fresh tomatos! then, pool time by myself. people often ask how i do that all day by myself. it's not hard! it's "my" time. my quiet time. time for me. i savor every minute i spend tossing in the HOT sun. i read a page here and a page there. i get in the pool; i get out. 4 hours is about my limit. but what a limit it is!
so that was random. forgive me. i've had 2 margaritas tonight! i hosted our bunco group tonight. i fretted for a few days about what to serve when emery gave me the idea to do a salad bar. it was perfect. let's be real. it's too hot to actually cook! so, salad bar and margaritas. it was a lovely time had by all...i hope!
olivia turned 13 months on tuesday. sadly, i have not one photo. so, here's a photo of exactly one year ago tuesday. lord have mercy she's grown!
and here's a pic of her at some point over the last week.

so, have a great weekend. tell your fathers you love them!