But the real fun was Saturday. This game has been a long time coming. Tech was ranked # 23 and A&M was ranked # 22. It started off ugly. We basically spotted them 21 points. But, this is why I'm a bulldog. They don't quit. They don't give up. They leave EVERYTHING they've got on the field. They make me proud to hold up my finger for the alma mater after every game. After starting down by 21 we came back and unfortunately lost 57-59. WHAT A GAME. it goes down in my book as the best sporting event I've ever witnessed in person. I'm so glad we toughed out the late night and didn't leave until every player had left the field. They left it all out there for us and we felt we owed them the same.
Official 2012 family photo.
Pre game bark circle. If you've never seen it get there early enough next week. It's fun to watch live, not just on YouTube.
Game time.
At the end. So worth getting in bed at 3:15 this morning. I sincerely hope the "casual fan" saw what I saw last night. And I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. And I hope they know how special it was to be a part of it. And I hope their butts are at Joe Aillet next weekend. And I hope they buy season tickets next year. And then I know they'll realize what I've known for almost 32 years. #wearelatech.
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Great blog! Very well written AND motivating! :-) We were just talking last night about season tickets next year. But I want us all to get them in a big block! Are you ever planning to move to the West side or do you want to stay on the East? We can chat about this later!