But while I'm here I'll talk about our weekend. Saturday we had a breakfast date at crescent city. just us two. I'm fairly certain o's love language is quality time so i try really hard to give that to her as often as i can. Uninterrupted. No phone. No pictures. Then o, myself and the boy worked in the yard ALL DAY LONG. O split her time between the sandbox and the comforts of the AC. the boy and i worked like dogs. And only did the front yard. The back yard will come another weekend. Saturday night we met the wilkersons and nappers at cormiers for our first crawfish of the season. O had a fab night with emory and Hudson. A jumper, live crawfish to hold, ice cream afterwards. A 3 year olds dream!

O got a lesson on giving this weekend. I was tagging the last few things for kool kids and she was UPSET I was taking some toys. They were baby toys! Things she hasn't played with in years! Full on tears. So I sat her in my lap, talked about giving to those less fortunate, making our hearts feel good, etc. then she helped me load the car, go and drop off all these items and even carried them inside. I was proud of her. Not sure she totally understood but baby steps. :)
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