edit: monday morning as i was getting dressed rett went back to the "mall" to get more beneigts and saw urban meyer in the lobby! he didn't take a picture but oh well. to each his own! if it had been me i'd have walked right up to him and introduced myself before asking for the photo op! he also saw some players but no tim tebow. i hung around in the lobby while rett was checking out to see if i'd see anyone i recognized but no such luck. rett assured me that i probably wouldn't see tim tebow hanging out in the lobby but one can always wish!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
new orleans weekend
edit: monday morning as i was getting dressed rett went back to the "mall" to get more beneigts and saw urban meyer in the lobby! he didn't take a picture but oh well. to each his own! if it had been me i'd have walked right up to him and introduced myself before asking for the photo op! he also saw some players but no tim tebow. i hung around in the lobby while rett was checking out to see if i'd see anyone i recognized but no such luck. rett assured me that i probably wouldn't see tim tebow hanging out in the lobby but one can always wish!
Friday, December 25, 2009
santa was sooo good!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
christmas eve
now, we're all anxiously awaiting santa claus!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
practice makes perfect
Monday, December 21, 2009
tis the season
we are FINALLY getting into the christmas spirit around here. oh, don't worry, i've been feeling the christmas spirit all over. i just haven't brought that to our house yet, until last night! we FINALLY got our tree up. sad, i know. i even had a fleeting thought that i wouldn't do one this year. but, then i thought that a child's first christmas MUST include a tree. so, up the tree went. i'm not at all happy with it. not enough lights and not nearly enough ornaments (i only put half of my ornaments on it)... i'm swearing to do better next year.
olivia finally met THE big man. i think she liked him. she's actually met him 3 times this year! my mom took her on her 7 month bday. we took her the next day for the "official" photo and then daycare surprised me with a picture of her with santa. he went to the daycare! here's the official photo. the quality is not great. i had to take a picture of the picture. when will santa get with the times and sell you a digital file???
and this picture i took with my camera from outside the "set". the 'ol point and shoot didn't quite get the job done.
we recently inherited a nice canon rebel. soo, i finally went and got a lens for it and now we can start taking real pictures! get ready to see a lot, i'm going to start practicing over christmas.
that should catch you up on everything! have a merry christmas!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
merry christmas!

rett's in arkansas this weekend on a duck hunt with the boys. soooo, olivia and i have a full weekend planned. tomorrow she has to get her 6 month shots. i know, we're late. but, b/c of the rsv i had to put them off. then, on to monroe to see SANTA! i can't wait to see how she reacts to him! tomorrow night we're going to the lady techster game with emery and possibly hudson. sunday i'm hoping to get our christmas tree up. sad, i know. i debated about whether or not to put it up but then decided that it's olivia's first christmas and i'd never forgive myself for not getting her picture in front of it. so, the tree will go up this weekend, come hell or high water.
this is a pretty random post. i'm sorry. i get bored when rett's not here! :) hope everyone has a great weekend!
i'll leave you with a few more shots that are blow-up worthy! all photos by crysal garcia - http://www.crystalgarcia.com/ she's great! mom and/or dad - if you're reading this stop now or you'll ruin your christmas present!

merry christmas!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009
memphis, 2009