jenny and john got olivia this ride/walk toy for christmas. i've been waiting to drag it out until i thought she was ready for it. so, monday night was the night. i get the box out of her closet thinking i'll just open the box and it will be ready to go. wrong! this thing had to be put together. the directions used words like axel and chasis. who in the heck knows what that is?!?! after about an hour and some stripped screws i got the thing put together. i never could get some of the screws all the way in (probably b/c i stripped them) (that is the right word, huh? when you use the wrong screwdriver head thingy and it "strips" the heads of the screws so that no screwdriver will work on it...) so i hope it doesn't fall apart when olivia is riding it! i'll have to keep a close eye on her for the first few times! as you can see, her feet BARELY touch the floor; really, just her toes and possibly the balls of her feet touch. so, i really just pushed her around for a minute or two. she does like all the "bells and whistles" though!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
Those look like "big girl" toys...She's growing up so fast!! I feel like she should still be 4 months old!