Would u look at these long legs. My baby has some length on her!
Today marked a milestone. I finally refinanced my house into my name! I own this sucker outright now! In the 7 years I've lived here my house has grown by 64 square feet. I bet you didn't know houses could grow! :)
To celebrate the boy took me to cotton in Monroe. It was so good! We had a rough past week or so with each other; we were both tired and cranky and just couldn't find our groove. We recognized it and fixed it! This to say that regardless of what I post on here I don't live in rose colored glasses! He works nights and I parent a rowdy 2 year old and sometimes it just catches up to us. Anyway, tonight was kind of our "I'm over it" night. We're no longer tired and cranky and we like each other again. :) the sea bass may or may not have had something to do with that! Ha!!
And he knows the way to my heart is with candy. He brought me a big bag of m&m's as a closing present!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Look at your dating your man during the day!