What a weekend! Our long holiday weekend started on Good Friday with shopping and lunch with Jackie and missy. Then a movie date with Ella Clair and Carter Love. The lorax was a cute movie with a good message but I'm positive it was over o's head.

Saturday we headed to w'boro to be with the fam. We hunted eggs.

Dyed eggs.

Opened presents from cool cousins.

Ate, played, got extremely dirty and played some more. After no nap and then staying up until 10 pm the Easter bunny needed a certain little girl to go to bed!

Sunday started with more presents.

Then on to church. This was o's first time in big church and she did really well. But I am so thankful for the nursery bc we're not ready for big church on a full time basis yet! Her expression sums up her morning. She was TIRED and it was a long morning for all of us!

But I got some confirmation that im doing some things right-on our potty break during the service she asked me if this is where baby Jesus lived. I confirmed that we were in fact in baby jesus' dad's house and she just nodded her head like she understood. Then she saw the nursery next to the bathroom and asked if those were baby Jesus' toys! Ha!

She chose a pb&j for lunch.

I left her in w'boro to spend another night bc she loves it there so much. Although I do feel bad bc she was in such a foul mood this morning! Hopefully she's in a better mood after over a 3 hour nap! I met a friend for crawfish in Monroe on my way home and they were delish!

Happy Easter to all!
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