Saturday, January 8, 2011

lazy saturday

i'm sitting here waiting on my baby girl to get home from her daddy's so i thought i'd post. a few weeks ago i started this debate on fb about whether i should move o to a twin bed or full. now, the time isn't here yet but it will be before we know it so i wanted opinions. well, i hit up the dillard's new year's sale and the decision was made for me! i got her bedding and it's for a full size bed. it had been $200 and i got it for $48! DEAL! and i don't have to buy a bed b/c i have an extra full size bed at my sister's house. score!
i went home at lunch on thursday to relieve my mom and olivia was a little clingy. no surprise since she's been sick and i've been loving on her a little extra! but, i needed to eat and she wanted to be close by so the solution...the counter. she loves playing on the counter. and she's good at it. she's never tried to jump off or anything. well, i put her up there this day and only turned my back for a second (probably more like 45) and she went to town with the tulle! lesson learned!
i'm on the hunt for some fun indoor activities for me and o to do tmrw and monday night. the weather is suppose to get really chilly (like the high on sunday is 33 and since she's been sick i'm not taking her out in that!) so i need something creative to do indoors. we're skipping church just to be on the safe side so we'll be home all day long!


  1. Sweet deal!! Oh and the Goodwill's up here are definitely nicer than Ruston's:)

  2. Love the bedding! We're thinking about switching Garrett pretty soon too!
