I had grand plans for her birthday yesterday but life gets in the way sometimes. She'd been running a low grade temp since Sunday and I'd been swallowing razor blades since Monday morning so we headed to the dr on her birthday, tuesday. Conclusion, she has the crud and I have strep! So I sent her packing to Winnsboro. Not so she wouldn't get my strep bc considering we'd been together for the last 72 straight hours I think she'd have gotten it if she was going to, but bc I just was in no shape to take care of her. My mom had been here since Monday morning and offered to stay but sometimes a girl just wants her mommy and I just couldn't do it yesterday. I just felt awful.
My plans for her birthday were pancakes for breakfast bc her normal breakfast (on the maybe 2 days a week she actually eats it) is dry fruit loops or a cereal bar. Then her party at school. Her daddy and I had both worked our schedules so we could be there. Then since last night was our last session of Kindermusik we were going to take cupcakes and celebrate there also followed by her birthday dinner at the restaurant of her choosing. I thought it sounded like a grand day!!
Instead, here is how her day was spent. I went to work while mom kept her. Neither of us had fever when I left for work. Mom got her dressed and they went to Walmart and picked out a cake. When they got home her temp was 100. When I left work at noon I told my boss I wouldn't be back. At 12:30 my temp was 101. But o was rebounding so we sang happy birthday, blew out candles and she and mom ate cake.

She's wearing her outfit of choice. I guess a 3 year old doesn't understand temperature yet!! It was 86 degrees yesterday!

We left for the dr abt 1:45. Got our diagnosis, I got a shot, went and got yogurt, dropped off prescriptions and then I assumed the fetal position on the couch for the next several hours. Mom packed o's bags, went and picked up our meds and then headed home.
So happy birthday sweet girl! Sorry it blew for you! You are the sweetest, most mild mannered, feisty and head strong 3 year old I know! And I wouldn't change you for anything else. Next year will be better! I promise!! I love you to the moon and back!
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