please excuse my expression - the sun was beating in my eyes and it was HOT outside!

the cast of oz with a few of the kids there

scarecrow and olivia

i want nothing more right now than to put a bow in my daughter's hair. it's just not working out for us... this was rett's first attempt at a bow - i'm calling it the mo-bow (instead of mohawk!)

friday night rett and i went on a date to celebrate his bday. we went to the bistro here in town. it was our first time and we will go back! soooo good! we had drinks, ahi tartare & 3 sushi rolls - spicy lady (tuna); spicy sake (salmon) & the ruston maki (shrimp - it was ok but we won't get it again - we prefer the spicy raw ones!) except for the ruston roll, everything was spot on! i can't believe it took us this long to go there.