today was such a great day! it started with o sleeping until 8:15ish; i'm so thankful i have a child that likes her sleep! we were on the road to monroe before 10! we stocked up on diapers, wipes, lotion and each got a dress at target! to whomever got my buggy after me - you're welcome for the free sippy cup. good thing o can drink from a straw b/c i didn't have an extra! then we picked jackie up for lunch with courtney. melvyns never disappoints. the service always does!
her first time at the bar.
i think jackie made her work for the free babysitting!
once home we played outside for a while. then val brought amelia by to pick up some baby clothes. o wasn't thrilled to play with amelia. maybe it's b/c she's a good bit smaller. i sure hope they start to like each other! then back outside for what seemed like forever! o cannot get enough of playing in the dirt! then lindsey brought jack over for a visit. this visit went better except o is not a fan of sharing. i can't help it; she's an only child! how do you teach sharing when all she knows is playing by herself with whatever she wants? i assume she's ok at daycare as i've never received reports of being stingy but i guess they could just not be telling me...