Wednesday, July 21, 2010

overboard? i think not.

i'm sparing you from a post about my child tonight. i may catch flack for this; i'm aware.

it's no secret that i love tech. i also love a good bargain. those two items (tech and a bargain) rank at the top of my list of loves. right below God, family and friends. so, when you combine tech AND a bargain i just get excited like it's the first day of school! i'm a dork. i'm aware.

tech's bookstore was recently sold to barnes and noble. the bookstore is having to get rid of everything that b/n doesn't want to sell. what does that mean? a sale at the bookstore! i went the first week it started and stocked up on the items i knew i wanted.
one can never have too many t-shirts or sweatshirts. some people may argue that point. however, when you attend the number of tech athletic events that i do you get tired of wearing the same old ones over and over!
size 3T and 4T cheerleading outfits! for 1/2 off! i figure she'll let me dress her this year and next so these are for the years after that. not to mention that i've been wanting to buy these since i was in college. i used to browse them when i was at tech and think about how fun it would be to buy them one day. i got really lucky and had a girl!! i CANNOT wait to put olivia in this for the first time!

then, i went back this week for items that i didn't HAVE to have but would like to have.

i've been eyeing this ice chest for a while but would not pay $50 for it. got it for $22!!
next week i'm going just b/c it's gonna be 75% off and for those prices it doesn't matter if you need it or not!! (dad, if you're reading this just pretend you didn't read that sentence.) school supplies have already been marked 75% off. i just get happy thinking about it. i've had to supress those giddy feelings of buying school supplies from long ago. were you like that? did it make you feel good to go buy all of your school supplies for the year/quarter and then go home and organize it all. putting paper in binders. labeling notebooks. making sure you had enough pens, pencils, highlighters. one of the best days of the year for me! sorry for the nostalga...

i'm sad that it's closing. b/n is still going to sell the tech gear but from what i hear there won't be as much. that's not necessarily a bad thing. quality over quantity... and i'm stocked up for a while! :)


  1. Oh you make me laugh!! We have that same cheerleader outfit...have you tried it on Olivia? They fit a little differently(or atleast they do on LG) so try it on her just to be sure.
    We did go to the sale last week. It was fun!

  2. Lol, I feel this post was written about me! We got the same ice chest, among other things, & I will be going back for more soon! Maybe we should go back together...we could try to keep each other in check, but could end up encouraging each other to buy waaay too much!

  3. I always loved, Loved, LOVED Back-to-School shopping! So I'm sure I would feel the same way if I were closer. I was just telling Boo yesterday how I needed a red Tech t-shirt. And yes, we do need another playdate between O and DS. Hopefully DS has a little more hometraining the next time and doesn't go straight for the goods like he did last time. :)

  4. ummm...I think you get that shopping habit from your mom....PS-I think Sarah gets high sniffing crayons!

  5. I have been getting calls from people at this sale!...wanting to buy things for Anniston, of course, ha. I love the cheerleading outfits you bought.

    And, YES, I still get sooo excited to see school supplies going out and continue to reminisce on the good ole days of buying, organizing and coordinating notepads, pencils, bags, etc. I still buy them fun!
