omg. i've been physco crazy this week. only monday night was "normal". i've been running and gunning ever since! but lots of fun has been had!
last night (wednesday) i headed to monroe for courtney's 30th birthday celebration! courtney is 1 of 2 of my oldest friends. she and
sarah have been around for as long as i can remember! it's good to have friends like that. they keep you grounded b/c they knew you when you were an awkward jr high kid (well, we've known each other for much longer than jr high but you get the point!) haha! but this is about courtney's bday! she turned 30 and we celebrated! the surprise party was held at waterfront, a restaurant in monroe. side story - i've been eating here for as long as i can remember but i've never ordered the shrimp rahkee. OMG. why have i not??? it was devine! ok, back to the story - so this was a surprise party. there was a large gathering of folks involved and we had a grand time! ben, her bf, did a great job putting this together and the cake was really good to!
the bday girl getting surprised!
me and the bday girl!
sorry court, this is a terrible angle but the only one i got!

then, today, i drove back over to monroe bright and early this morning for a continuing ed class. that was LOADS of fun. sorry, no pics. then, a nice lunch with courtney and stacey, another w'boro native, at a new sushi place in monroe. had fun girls!
i came back and my bunco group decided to go out tonight instead of playing. so, we enjoyed a fun night at RAW. this is my favorite restaurant in town. so, yes, i had sushi for both meals today. at least what i got was somewhat healthy - no cream cheese or fried things involved!
clockwise from bottom left - meredith, tara, miranda, beth, lots of cowboys we didn't know, lindsey, emery, me, hillary
i've got a busy weekend planned with olivia so we should (barring any fit throwing) have a great time! her 15 mth apt is tmrw morning (in monre, so yes i get to drive over there 3 days in a row), then having friends over tmrw night, baby shower sat, dad's bday celebration sat evening and then church on sunday! o was promoted last week but she wasn't there for it. maybe she'll like her new room better than the nursery. everyone please say a quick prayer for that!! :) stay tuned for updates on our fun-filled weekend!